Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is Hiring a Fishing Guide Worth It?

When people are considering a trip to an unfamiliar spot they often wonder if they should pay the extra fee for a fishing guide.

After all, most of these guides are not cheap. Secondly, you wouldn't be going on the trip if you knew nothing about fishing. So what's the point? On the one hand some people are literally great at fishing and understand the movements of fish and how the weather, along with the moon phase, will affect the fish. But some people are not that good. And other people are uncomfortable with the idea of finding fish in a new body of water in a short time. For those cases, hiring a competent guide could be money well spent. However, don't get the mistaken idea that the guide is magical. He can take you to a place where fish should be, but the job of catching the fish is up to you. A guide cannot guarantee you anything. This is not a negative comment against guides, it is just a fact. Fish are wild animals and nobody can predict EXACTLY where they are holding and EXACTLY how to catch them.

The majority of guides are highly experienced anglers. They have spent considerable time on the lake or river that you will be fishing and they are intimately familiar with all of the fishing spots. They pay attention to the weather and seasons and should know the spots that have the highest percentage of holding a fish. You may spend several hours trying to pinpoint a hot spot that a guide could take you to in literally minutes. Before paying for a guide discuss your goals with the person. This lets the guide know what is expected of him and gives him a chance to either take you on as a client or decide that someone else would be better suited to your needs. You should talk about the species of fish you are after, whether you are looking for quantity or quality as well as your preferred method for catching fish. Make sure the person you are hiring has experience with the type of fishing you want to pursue. You may have your heart set on fly fishing with artificial baits and the guide you are considering is an expert at using open faced reels. That is some handy information to know before handing over a sizable amount of cash. The average price for a guide will run between $100 and $200 per day. This does not include the tip. Most guides are going to show you the top spots for catching fish, provide insight on landing those beautiful creatures and you will have a chance to enjoy a great lunch. There are some people who plan on spending 4 or 5 days fishing at some remote location. They plan on hiring the guide for the first 2 days and then use that information on their own for the remainder of their trip. If this is your plan, let your guide know ahead of time. He can likely give you some extra information to make sure that your days without him are just as fun and profitable as the time spent under his guidance. Whether or not to hire a guide is really a personal decision. However if you are planning on visiting an unfamiliar area and your main desire is to catch a trophy fish, you should really consider paying for a good guide.

Tom Fasso is a freelance writer that loves to write about the outdoors. In addition to being an outdoor writer, Tom is a hunter/fisherman with over 30 years of experience. His passions include Salmon River NY fishing and Steelhead Fishing in Upstate New York.

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