Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bass Fishing Guide - Improve Your Bass Fishing Experience

The Bass fish is generally identified as a black fish; there are other types such as the small mouth bass and the largemouth bass. Bass fishing actually originated here in the US. Back in the day anglers would fish for Bass to put food on the table, however today it has evolved into a sport. The sport of Bass fishing became extremely popular back in the 50's.

Due to this fact the evolution of fishing gear has been drastic, technology such as GPS and electronic boats have taken the sport to a whole new level, far from its humble beginnings. Today you can get some fancy fishing gear such as rods, lures, reels and lines.

The sport of Bass fishing has generated a lot money over the years and continues to do so. As mentioned earlier the bass is no longer considered food but a sought after prize. In a lot of cases the fish are caught and then released, hence the term, "catch and released".

The fish you catch must be alive as dead fish will not be counted to your score. After the fish is caught it is weighted and then released immediately back into the water. If the fish is under any stress it is placed in a holding tank for treatment then later released.

When it comes to bass fishing like any other fishing the emphasis is upon locating the fish. In order to do this you will need some tools. First and foremost you will need to be able to read a map, and then the goal is to trace the fish. You will need to understand water debts and you will also need clear water to fish.

In addition to that you will need to understand the temperatures that these types of fish populate in and like anything else there will be seasonal variances. Vegetation, contours, shallow water and deep water are all factors you will need to consider in order to catch these fish.

Once you get this down then as they say the game is on.

Do You Want To-Accelerate Your Largemouth Bass Fishing Techniques, Click here for your Bass Fishing Guide  www.largemouthbassextreme.com/  and learn how to improve your bass fishing experience.

Learn from the basics... the best Lures to use for a specific situation, which not to use, when you should NOT abandon an area that you normally would have, the best Locations and proper technique to use for that specific location - Click here www.largemouthbassextreme.com/

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fly Fishing Gear

Fly Fishing Gear and How to Select It

Probably the most important thing to understand about selecting suitable fly fishing gear is that it is first and foremost a question of personal choice. It is you who will be using the rod, reel, line et cetera for months and hopefully years to come so it is imperative that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. Whilst it is advisable to listen to others prior to selection, do not be unduly swayed by the opinion of "experts' in you decision making. Having said that, lets consider a few of the common sense basics we need to take into account when buying fly fishing gear.

Rods The first thing to consider when deciding which rod is suitable for you is what type of fly fishing are you planning to do. There are major differences in a rod you would select to fish a small brook and a rod you would select to fish a 450 acre reservoir. A brook rod may be a little 4 weight item whereas to fish a much larger water or lake you will probably need a 7 or 8 weight rod. Basically, the heavier the number the rod is classified with, the heavier it is, the heavier line it can carry and the bigger the fish it can potentially handle. If you are unfamiliar with the AFTM (Association of Fishing Tackle Manufacturers) system of classifying fly rods I strongly suggest you take a little time to look at it; this will be time well spent and help you have a better understanding of fly fishing gear in general.

Reels Okay, we have decided what type of fly fishing we are going to do and have a pretty good idea of the rod weight we are going to need (now we are getting somewhere). The major consideration for the reel is that it must be matched to the rod. It is no good having a huge fly reel designed for heavy weight fly fishing at sea matched with a rod suitable for catching small brook trout! These days you can choose between a metal/ alloy reel (some are very fine pieces of workmanship indeed) or a carbon fibre reel. A carbon fibre reel is normally lighter than its metal counterpart but the choice is entirely up to you depending on your preference and, of course, your pocket. Tip: buy a reel with a large arbour that is the spool that holds you line and remember not to wind your line on too tightly. The reason for this is that a fly line will take on "memory" when it is stored on a reel and the bigger the arbour of the reel, the less trouble you will have with line memory.

Fly Line As with the rod and reel, this item of fly fishing gear must be matched for balance and just like the rod and reel, fly lines are classified using the AFTM system. The lines you choose will, again, depend upon the type of fly fishing you aim to tackle and eventually you may have several different lines in you box. Start with a floating line and explore the other options later.
That is a brief overview of the fly fishing gear you are likely to encounter at the outset. As always, buy fly fishing gear that suits you and that you are happy with.

The author is the owner of the one stop fly fishing resource site [http://www.flyfishinggear.co]. This is a website designed to be a resource for fly fisherman of all ages and levels, men and women alike. The site has been developed drawing on the authors 20 plus years as a fly fisherman and is intended to be a meeting place for all like minded fishermen.

You are sure to find something of interest at [http://www.flyfishinggear.co].

Fly Fishing Guides To Provide Professional Knowledge In Fly Fishing

Fly fishing guides deliver professional knowledge in fishing.

They are guides who recognize which rivers can provide the perfect catches. They inform you where you should look to acquire that prized trout as a prize catch or which river is most appropriate for you to go and acquire knowledge with relation to pike fishing. From being able to hold a rod to hooking a fish and everything in between, your fishing vacation will surely be one to cherish under the instruction of a fly fishing guide.

Professional fly fishing guides will take anglers to the best rivers or lake where there is abundance of fish. He will help you with the boat and the fishing attire. He will even enlighten you on smaller characteristic about the variety of fish, how to recognize them and their behavior. Your fishing vacation will surely be a successful if you have a passionate fisherman who will help in guiding you and teaching you how to fly fish in his part of the world.

Generally, fly fishing guides would assist you in moving around the area. This means you do not have to go looking for directions and roads to find a river or lake you can fly fish in. Right from selecting the boat to the meal and the several accessories you may require, a pro will make every exertion to deliver you a favorable fly fishing experience. He would give guidance by providing tips on casting and angling. He would also make sure that all the required fishing equipment is prepared. A professional will definitely be the first to spot a fish and will see to it that you employ all your skills as an angler.

Anglers from all round the world now arrive to places well-known for fly fishing. It is there that local knowledge is in considerable demand. If a professional fly fishing guide is a local person and well aware of the local conditions as well as the fishing work, he can supply a beneficial service to the foreign guest. Local hotels and restaurants also use such fishermen. There are several examples of such local fishermen who have developed into professional fly fishing guides due to the strong requirement for such a profession from visiting as well as local anglers.

When trying to find the right fly fishing guide, you should consider a doing some research on them. Find out how long they have been fly fishing for. Also discover if they are locals and whether they take their job seriously. The charges for having a guided fishing excursion can also differ. You must decide with care here. Having past clients indorse them is another additional benefit. All this knowledge can be had from online sites that can recommend you the services of excellent fly fishing guides.

Find out what are the best rods to use whilst fly fishing. Discover the best time of day to catch fish plus much more by visiting fly fishing magazines [http://www.knowflyfishing.com/]. To learn more the different types of fishing jackets visit fly fishing vests advice [http://www.knowflyfishing.com/fly-fishing-vests.html]

Fly Fishing For Beginners

Tired of fumbling with your rod and reel?

Get the insider, profesional fly-fishing tricks, tips and techniques!

More than 2,000 years ago, fishermen noticed insects that were eaten by the fish near the water's surface. They fashioned rough imitations of those insects on primitive hooks and began catching fish. That was the beginning of a sport.

The Fly-fishing technique - from finding fish hideouts to understanding the lifecycles of the different insects they eat, along with the other complexities have fascinated fly fishers for thousands of years. To become proficient in the art, continual fine-tuning is required in addition to studying much about how to select your flies, how to adapt and blend the various materials used in the construction of a fly, how to construct a fly using defined rules in accordance with the state of the sky, the color of the water and the peculiar habits of the fish in different rivers.
A beautiful rainbow trout caught fly fishing
on Washington's Yakima River
You'll find all the information you need to start flyfishing in 'Fly Fishing for Beginners', including getting professional pointers on finding the right stance, and information on the most common casting problems so you can avoid each one! What's more, you'll discover the basic equipment requirements for balancing, successful strategies for night fishing, ways to deal with weather constraints and changing water levels, plus strategies for successful lake selection.

'Fly Fishing For Beginners' also gives you step-by-step guidance on tying your own flies, and shows you the tools and materials right down to the best manufacturers and proportions you need. There is a whole chapter dedicated to hints and tips for all manner of fly fishing situations, aswell a tour through some of America's favourite fly fishing destinations (including details of particular rivers, what fish you'll find there and the flies to use).

In 'Fly Fishing For Beginners' You will learn:

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* Types of casting and common problems to avoid
* The advantages and disadvantages of wet vs. dry fly-fishing
* The best time of day for fly-fishing – so you catch the most fish
* Fly-fishing techniques used specifically for boat or land casting
* The exhilarating practice of winter fly-fishing
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"As the publisher of a number of fly fishing related blogs, I am often asked to suggest a book on fly fishing, and in particular one for the newcomers to the sport. To date, the ONLY one that I have recommended is the "Fly Fishing For Beginners" package.
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Yours faithfully,
Terry Chadban
Newcastle, NSW

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Anchorage Alaska Fishing Guides to the Best Fishing Spots

Anchorage Alaska fishing attracts so many sport anglers because Anchorage is home to some of the biggest salmon and halibut in the world. Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska and it is probably the most frequently visited tourist destination.

If you plan to have a fishing vacation with your family, there are some fishing lodges located near the city of Anchorage, Alaska. You can expect to catch Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, rainbow trout, northern pike and grayling in such a fishing spots like: Lake Creek, Skwentna River, Little Susitna River and Yentna River as well.

Charter is the solution if you just want to enjoy fishing while taking photos for great scenery. Alaska fishing charter rates at Seward, Anchorage are between $175 to $250 for share charter and for exclusive charter rate is about $1300 to $1525. The charter fishing boat is equipped with quality fishing tackle, clean, advanced in its engineering, and well maintained.

Here are some Alaska fishing guides near Anchorage:

Alaska Lakeside Lodge - Species you can target here is Salmon, Halibut, Rainbow Trout, Steelhead, Grayling, Artic Char. They also have daily fly-outs service.

Alaska Salmon Fishing Guide: Rainbow River Expeditions - Species you can fish here is Salmon, Grayling, and Rainbow Trout. Float Trips service is what they offer for great fishing experience.

Stephan Lake Lodge - Salmon, Grayling and trout are species that you are targeting.

Trail Ridge Air - Float plane air service trips is what the offer with full guide package or just drop off without guide. Fly-fishing is the best way to experience salmon and trout fishing.

Anchorage Alaska fishing may not be as famous as the Kenai Peninsula, where they boast 9 from 10 world salmon records, however Anchorage promises to give you some great fishing experiences.

Jack Bendega's provide free information and tips on fishing lures. Find out what kind of lures, color and any detail lures [http://originalfishinglures.com/Manns-Fishing-Lures.html] to fish your trophy

Florida Fishing Guide - Great Fishing Available

Fishing is an enjoyable hobby that is popular around the world.

This sport is many years old and is enjoyed by professional and amateur fisher men and women. Fishing can be a family activity and is often passed from a father to a son or a daughter. Many women enjoy the sport of fishing year old in various parts of the world; this sport is not limited to men. Fishing involves the pursuing and catching of various types of fish. Many of these fish are then mounted on the wall as a trophy declaring the great catch.   Some of the most sought after fish are beautiful fish such as Snook, King Fish, Tuna and Shark.

Florida is a very popular place to fish and has some of the best fish in the world. Obtain a Florida fishing guide with the professional assistance of a chartered boat and its captain and crew. A Florida chartered fishing crew know the waters and the fish. They are aware of the best seasons and times of even the day to get a great catch.

Take a chartered fishing boat around the Gulf of Mexico, Tampa Bay or Sarasota Bay and experience and enjoy a day that you will remember for a life. The Gulf of Mexico, Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay are key Florida fishing locations. Don't miss the experience of fishing in Florida waters. Catching a Snook or a Tuna, a Spanish mackerel, Sharks, Grouper or Snapper are all possible on a typical day in these beautiful Florida waters. Sunny skies, clear water and the balmy weather of Florida make fishing a experience to remember for a lifetime.

Grouper and Snapper are caught year round while seasonal migrating fish such as dolphin, mahi, giant red fish, shark and barracuda are caught seasonally. Florida waters offer a fishing trip that you will brag of for years to come. Catch the large fish of your dreams and enjoy sharing the thrill of other's great catches when you take a Florida chartered fishing trip.

A chartered fishing trip takes the work out of the fishing trip and takes the need to purchase expensive equipment out of the scenario. A chartered trip is enjoyable, fun, relaxing and completely rewarding. The required fishing licenses, rods, reels, tackle and bait are all included in a chartered trip. On a chartered trip even fish cleaning is available for you. Just don't forget a hat, your beverages, snacks, and food, sun block and sunglasses.

George Edmondson works for InShore Fishing Trips. For more info about a Sarasota Fishing Guide and Florida chartered fishing trips check out http://www.inshorefishingtrips.com/

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bass Fishing Reports - 3 Tips To Understand Their True Meaning

Many people are interested in bass fishing and have an avid interest in the sport. They are either into it as a recreation or as a once in a while activity, but what ever the reason be, if you want to improve your technique, it is helpful to go through bass fishing reports which will give you a step by step guide.

1. How does one get to know of bass fishing reports

Bass fishing reports are often by word of mouth only. Experienced anglers who come from different areas and bait different varieties of fish, or from those who are professionally skilled or even new fisherman who have had some exciting experiences to narrate; all this adds up to give an unusual but knowledgeable report on the ways of improving your fishing skills. Sometimes newspapers or bulletins carry articles on fishing skills and a new product that will assist in improving your catch, if related to others will help in improving their skills. So if there is even a little bit of innovation in the method of angling it is good to spread the word as it will help someone somewhere.

2. Various kinds of bass fishing reports

Weather conditions in various locations could also be a tip that will give the angler an idea of how to handle bass fishing in certain parts where the weather differs from what they have been used to.

Those looking for bass fishing reports could search on the internet for websites that give information on bass fishing, or in magazines and newsletters. If you find it more convenient you could even get these reports from stores that cater to bass fishing equipment. Because bass fishing reports are personal experiences of anglers, you would not be able to find such advice or information on the net or anywhere else. These are real life events that those who have experienced are relating to others. So publications and the internet may give you an insight into what you may face, but some of the incidents may be unique and not what is expected of in bass fishing.

3. More geared up to face tournaments with reports

You will be better equipped to take part in a tournament with all the tips that you will get from bass fishing reports. So if there is a bass fishing tournament that is coming up shortly either for couples or as a family event, or maybe for a single participant, be sure to participate in it and spend some wonderful time sharing it with your loved ones.

Always make it a point to find time to get the bass fishing reports so that you will be up to date on all that happens during this sport and know how to deal with such events in case you come face to face with a situation like that. At the same time make sure that you share your own experiences with others too. So now that you are armed with all the knowledge of bass fishing you can be an ace angler yourself.

Abhishek is an avid Bass Fishing enthusiast and he has got some great Bass Fishing Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 135 Pages Ebook, "How To Become A Bass Fishing Pro!" from his website http://www.Fishing-Masters.com/88/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

A Fishing Report On River Fishing Details

This fishing report is about some tips that you need to keep in mind before going out for river fishing. A perfectly drafted plan and appropriate armors will help you get the best of catches in river fishing. In almost all the fishing reports it is always mentioned that these tips can be manipulated according to the individual choices and needs. The most important thing is to be patient, being in a hurry may spoil the game.

One need to first keep the fact in mind that every river requires different strategies. The reason is simple, different rivers are of different shapes and offer different species as well. The zone has to be studies perfectly and you need to decide on the fishing accessories you need to carry with you. This is a time consuming thing, so please don't be hefty in anything you do. The tips are discussed below.

Try and make as little noise as you can. Sound can travel through water. So any unfamiliar sound will make the fishes conscious about the danger that is coming their way. A thorough scanning of the zone where you are fishing is a necessary thing. When you are in river fishing, you should work slowly & steadily.

Do consider the specific weather conditions before going out for the game. Read a lot of fishing reports about the zone and plan the thing accordingly. Moon position is also a parameter need to be considered. Keep a track about these things, this practice will help you get better results.

Keep yourself abreast with the different sections of the river that you are planning to fish in. keep a keen watch on the currents and you'll be able to catch more fishes. There are little pockets in a river and fishes generally hide in those pockets only. So these pockets and areas are advantage for anglers. Take a good idea about the best spot of the river and try to fish there only.

Always use live baits in river fishing. The bait presentation is also an important factor because fish behaviors depend a lot on them. The more you make your bait look realistic, the more you have the chance to hook the wealth you want. In this fishing report it is to be mentioned that gang hooks are the ones that suite best with the game. Bounce the bait to make an impressing that the bait is live.

These are main tips you need to remember. The rest of the thing you will learn when you'll actually start practicing the thing.

Aashi Khattar from marinews writes for Fishing Report, Fishing Reports. To Get More Information on Fishing, please click here Australia Fishing Reports.

A Fishing Report That Describes Various Fishing Weights

A well equipped tackle box is what a master fisherman needs and fishing weight is the accessory one cannot forget. Fishing weights are superbly handy fishing tools which are heavy sinkers. These are mainly known for giving enough mass to a fishing line. As we all know, the weights are attached to keep the hook under water. This helps the cast to reach as deep as it wants and the fisherman can come up with deepwater big fishes. This fishing report will let you be familiar with the basic details and type of fishing weights. They are segregated according to their sizes and their usages as well.

Following are the types of fishing weights:

  • The first that comes in to mind when we talk about fishing weights are split shot ones. As their name suggests, these are basically small ball-shaped sinkers and they are smartly devised in a split pattern from the middle. But they are not completely separated as there is a tiny edge connecting them. It is simple to use as well. One just needs to insert the fishing line in the ball in that split part and shut it down again. Split shot weights are available in various patterns but are relatively small from others. If you need a little more weights then you can use more than one split shots.
  • There are a number of fishing reports that describes the dependability of rubber core fishing weights. These tools are longer and can slender in a better way than the split shots. Although both of them work in the same way. In case of rubber cores, these split from one side and on the other side there is a hinge of lead. The most interesting thing about these tools is that you can move them up and down without opening the weight from the line.
  • In this fishing report this is important to let you know that worm weights are devised in bullet shape. And there is also a fishing hook attached on it. These weights are to be used with bait. This has to be remembered that these are made of plastic and that's why they need to be used with soft baits only. These are smartly contrived so that these can allow the lure to move freely and can attract the catches.

  • The other pattern of fishing weights that are available in the market is known as pyramid weights. These have a four way pyramid shape so they are named in this way. Mostly used in surf fishing, these are really popular as they have a flat square base with an attached eyelet. These weights are available in various sizes and are mostly of 8 ounce. You can use them while fishing in sea as well.
  • There are fishing reports that show that egg weights have helped number anglers to get good catches. These are oval in nature and are used for bottom fishing. These are usable in various kind of fishing as they are available in small and heavy weights. And you need to attach the weight to the main line to get the best results.
These are apparently most popular fishing weights and apart from them there are others in the line up as well. Together with every other fishing accessory, these weights will add an extra spice to the fishing that you will enjoy next time.

Aashi Khattar from marinews writes for Fishing Report Australia. For More Fishing Reports you can visit marinews.com

Fishing Reports Can Help Make You a Better Fisherman

Lake fishing reports give an idea on boating and recreational conditions. Many anglers like to share their experiences with other anglers and provide reports to help others. Most people go fishing for fun; they don't like to sell or eat the fish but just experience the thrill of catching them. Many anglers simply catch fish only to set them free later on. They like to go on fishing trips with friends and together enjoy the whole fun.

In case you are keen on going fishing then checking out a few reports won't harm. Fishing is entirely unpredictable and some times you just might end up not catching even a single fish. The sport requires time and patience. Before setting out on a trip it is better to thoroughly check the reports which other people have provided. With the help of these reports you get to know many things such as water temperature of the lake and you can easily determine if it is a smart idea to go at the particular time.

There are usually numerous nearby lakes to fish from. In case you are interested in a particular lake or particular fish then fishing reports help in determining all of that. Many fishing reports give descriptions about the kinds of fish that have been caught and a general idea about the places where they have been caught. This is the smartest way to get a clear idea on what kind of territory you are going to. The unbiased feedback of these reports is quite helpful. With these reports in hand you will not lack in guidance when it comes to finding the perfect fishing haven.

Experts write everything in fishing reports and there is hardly any detail that is missed. The tips from experts will aid you in catching that certain fish in a particular water. Everything is described meticulously and you are bound to be fully prepared for any outing with friends or family.

You can find lots of good sites that are covered in fishing reports. There is usually additional information on fishing equipments, instructions for the great catch plus fishing area description. Visit any of the sites and update yourself with all the fishing reports provided by experts. Fishing reports are excellent for amateur fishing enthusiasts who want to experience fishing. It is never too late to start anything and fishing is a great leisure activity for anyone who is interested.

Also, by knowing the weather conditions you can choose the proper equipment. Windy weather or cold weather I recommend some equipment for the eyes. Sunglasses and the various lens treatments can surely make a fish outing better. Squinting because of bright light can fatigue one to the point of frustration. There are many brands that will work including Maui Jim, Ray Ban, Bolle and Oakley. There are also lower priced brands that may work as well but the optics of the lenses may not be as clear and comfortable. You can choose from various tints to enhance your vision or just choose a dark lens to block all wavelengths of light. Some coatings are better than others such as the anti-reflective coatings made by Crizal or Zeiss.

James Harold discusses the benefits of checking fishing reports. www.bestfishingsunglasses.net/. Finding out the conditions before fishing can help you fish better.

Fishing Report

Fishing reports are mainly a diary coming out from anglers or fishing enthusiasts that contain a set of information and details of a recent fishing or boating adventure they had have. On the other hand these reports also offer some advices from experts on some particular issue that come handy for seekers. These reports are a nice platform to get in touch with people from same as well as different spheres. These reports also help people get some daily update about different fish, including different fishing places. Users are also allowed to post their own fishing reports, sharing their own experiences.

Posting fishing reports also help the users to share some special tips or insight that can help others to some more know how of the art of fishing or boating. These reports help you to get a first hand and faithful information that help them have a successful day in the water. These pieces of texts are the perfect way to discuss all aspects of all type of fishing including fly, surf or sport fishing. These reports are the best way to shoot the breeze with your fellow saltwater sportsmen from hot spots.

Posting fishing-reports on websites not only give you and your experience a global platform to share but it also help others derive some important points that they must be missing somehow. These reports keep us updated about perfect time and places to catch the wealth that you are longing for. These are not just mere fishing articles; these carry genuine information experiences so their worth is more. They may also carry fishing pictures, blogs and forums.

These fishing reports are so versatile in nature, that you can get or include anything or almost about everything that comes under fishing. Broadly the purpose of posting a fishing-report is to share and gather information about fishing or boating.

Aashi Khattar writes for Fishing Reports Australia. For More Fishing Reports you can visit marinews.com

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saltwater Fishing Tips for You

Novice or not, we all know that simply casting the lines in the water will not yield any fish. From a perspective fishing might seem that it is one of the easiest things to do. All you have to do is sit with your line in the water from morning till evening and at the end of the day you can go home with a bucket load of fish. It is such a misconception. It is harder than we give it credit for. There are a lot of things associated with it - the fishing tackles, locations, weather, tides etc which together makes it all happen. Saltwater fishing no doubt sounds intimidating for a beginner but it is one of the best experiences for an angler.

To begin with one has to become familiar with the equipments. Casting, baiting, knot tying processes can be practiced without even setting a foot on a boat. Familiarizing with it will make saltwater fishing more pleasurable an activity. If you are an angler, you need to be practicing first alongside more experienced anglers. You can also take help from the fishing guides. These are the people who can help you perfect your saltwater skills. Fishing party, head boats, or pier fishing are just perfect places to pick up some basic skills.

Picking the right spot is important and that has to be a place where fish are biting. It is a rule of thumb to find places where the fish are likely to feed. So you need to choose your tackles accordingly. Fishing reports come in handy in this regard. It is best to research the area before you are out in the water. You will also come to know the specific species of fish in that particular area. If you have chosen saltwater fishing, you have to be patient. You have to stay at the same place and wait patiently, at least trying with two different lures or baits.

The weather plays a crucial role behind determining how well you can fish on a given day. The moon phases, the sun, the tides, the wind has to be considered before going out fishing in the sea. This knowledge will tell you where the fish can be found, and which times of the day are ideal for what type of fish. It is wise to consult the weather updates before you venture out in order to avoid being caught in any unpleasant weather disturbances.

It is a given that each and every type of fish need definite baits and lures, so you also have to know how to these are to be used, what hooks work best and how to rig them. Once you have hooked the fish, reeling them could also be a challenge. At times it even takes hours to reel a particular fish in and it is best to let the fish tire itself out before reeling them in. Once it is brought on board, the fish should immediately be bled to prevent softening and discoloration.

With all these tips on fishing, you can be sure to have only good fishing days, everyday. Tight lines!

Being an expert fisherman, Allan Simons understands that there is nothing better than getting a little help from a fellow fisherman when it comes to saltwater fishing; thus the article

Deep Sea Fishing Safety Tips

Thrill, adrenaline rush are other names for deep sea fishing.

Imagine you in a fair distance from the land and fishing in waters 30 feet or deeper for some tuna, marlins, sharks and swordfish. Isn't that exciting? It could easily feature as one of those 100 things to do in life before dying. Deep sea fishing or not, fishing safety is something you can't just ignore. Let us now take a look at these tips.

Most importantly before heading out for deep sea fishing or offshore fishing as it is also known, check the weather updates. It is the primary duty of the captain of the ship anyway but it does not hurt to study the report and be sure of no storms coming your way. You also need to be aware of the surroundings. If you happen to know the area well, it will be much easier for you to catch these big game fish.

Double checking your fishing gears a day or two before heading out on that adventurous fishing trip is a smart move. This will guarantee that all that you need from fishing reels to lures, flashlights and first aid kits, lures and extra food supplies are in order so that you don't have to worry abut replacing them in the twelfth hour.

Fishing close to the reef is a good idea. This is due to the fact that smaller fish live near reefs and this is where bigger game fish come to feed. Also keep a close watch the schools of dolphins, yellowfin tunas are known to be schooling with dolphins so there is a clue of what you should do.

For novice anglers it is advisable to go deep sea fishing for the first few times with an experienced fishing guide. He will know the good fishing spots and also some master techniques of how and where to find the game fish that you hope to catch. In case of emergency, a fishing guide is also going to be very helpful.

The radio, the GPS, all should be in a working condition and check just before you leave the dock. Personal Floatation Devices (PFD) or life jackets or rafts, lifeboats, even fire extinguishers are a must, and make sure you know where they are kept. This will save so much time when there is an unpleasant emergency situation. If something goes wrong, it is important not to panic and stay calm, especially if there are children accompanying you on the trip.

Practicing boat safety is a must. With your without children on the boat, you must always remember that you are way away from the shore and that too in the deep sea. You must always be cautious and alert. Never let a kid fish for one of these big catches, they are not yet strong enough to win a battle against the huge game fish.Even when you are aiming for that spectacular marlin, see to it that your fishing rod is securely anchored as well as you are attached to the boat in some way in case your rod gets free.

Don't forget to leave your vital information with somebody before you leave. It will become a lot easier to get in touch with you- just in case. Happy Fishing!

Allan Simons is a fishing enthusiasts is a. expert fisherman from Australia. He writes various articles on fishing, fishing tackles, tips and techniques, and other such related subjects

How to Become a Fishing Guide

Becoming a fishing guide can be a fun and fulfilling job for anyone with a passion or devotion for the outdoors. Realizing this dream can be challenging but by following the steps below, this dream can become a reality much easier.


Determine if you live in a geographical area that fishermen flock to. Such an area would include at least one large river, lake, or reservoir. Tour the area yourself and decide if you would want a fishing guide if you were visiting the area, and where you would want to fish.

Hire a fishing guide in your area that can show you where the prime fishing spots are in your area and also teach you some of the tricks of the trade.

Contact your local chamber of commerce to find out how you can make your business legal. You will probably have to apply for a business license, which will require a registration form, tax documents, and a small fee.

Purchase at least one boat so you will have a way to transport the fishermen. The boat should have seating for at least 5 grown men and a motor strong enough to take you up stream.

Market your business in travel guides, state travel brochures, newspapers, sporting goods stores, and by word of mouth.

Keep your full-time job while this business is growing. Start the guide work business as a part-time or weekend job. When your guide business brings in as much or more money than your full-time job every month for 18 months, you can consider working as a fishing guide full time.

Tips For Choosing an Experienced Fishing Guide

I've been fortunate to go on a few guided fishing trips in my life. Some have been the best times I've spend on the water while others were just short of nightmares. I guess you could say that I've learned how to pick good fishing Guides and which ones to avoid.

I'm going to give you a few tips on how to choose your next fishing Guide.

For starters, check the state regulations in the state you'll be fishing. Some states require fishing guides to be licensed, others do not. If the state requires that the guide be licensed make sure they are. Get a copy of their license number and check with the state to see if there have been any complaints against the guide. I know this may sound obvious, but make sure the number they give you actually matches the name the state has in its database. You'd be surprised at how many so called licensed fishing guides are not licensed at all.

Also, some states require these people to have general liability insurance. If the state you'll be fishing in requires this of the Guide, then check and make sure they have it.

Another thing you'll want to check is to see if they have completed a Red Cross First Aid course. All guides should do this out of courtesy to their Clients.

You can sometimes get good recommendations from online Fishing forums. Especially those that are state specific or species specific. Ask around about the Guide you're wanting to hire. They may or may not have a history locally. I once came very close to hiring a fishing guide on Lake Eufaula in Oklahoma. Luckily I asked around on the forums and several people told me that she had just moved to the area a few months before and hung her sign out. I politely canceled my trip and booked with an experienced fishing Guide.

It only takes a little time to research the guide you want to hire. Just make sure you do your due diligence before hiring one!

And while I'm at it, I might as well say that even the best fishermen have bad days. If you don't catch any fish, don't think that it was your guides fault. If you've fished any at all, you can tell if a person knows what he or she is doing. Also, don't forget to tip. Even if you didn't catch many fish, if you had a good time, tip and tip good.

Billy Bob lives in Louisiana and considers hunting and fishing the only sport for real men. When he's not paddling his pirot through the swamps hunting gators and fishing. When he travels North to visit his kids in Oklahoma, he always makes it a point to take a day off and go fishing with his favorite Lake Eufaula fishing guide for a fun time and a full cooler of Crappie.

Fishing Guide Services

Fishing Guide Services VS Owning your own boat

Fishing guide services have been around for many years, in fact many guide services have been in business in excess of 20 years, on lakes and deep sea fishing, they are very good at what they do for a living. Most fishing guide services supply the boat, gas reels, and tackle. When they take you out on deep sea fishing trips, they will cover your meals as well, it's all included in their fee's on a daily basis. I have heard so many people say that some fishing guide services are very pricey, but you have to weigh out their expenses for you to have a great time on the water. They must have a good dependable boat, did you know that most good fishing boats carry a price tag of $30,000 to over $100,000 dollars.

Now, let's rig up their boat with tackle, and rod and reel setups, depending on how many clients are able to fish on the boat each day, and you can see that by the time they have their guide permits, fully equipped boat and knowledge of where the fish are on the lake or ocean, can easily tie up over $50,000 dollars just to get started in their business. Fishing guide services are available worldwide and their fee's start at around $250.00 to over $500.00 dollars per day for 2 people for 8 hours depending on what type of fishing you are planning on doing. A lot of fishing guide services offer lodging too.

Now that you have a good knowledge as to what these fishing guide services offer and their cost, let's discuss your investment to buy your own boat to go fishing. You need to determine what type of fishing you are planning on doing, is it bass fishing, crappie, catfish, stripper or walleye fishing, or are you one of those that like to go deep sea fishing? Storms pop up on a moment's notice, lakes and oceans can get rough, so are you getting a large enough boat to keep you safe out there? If this is your first time to buy a boat, then you need to consider all options, you have to weigh out what you are going to spend, usually around $10,000 to over $40,000 dollars for the boat and trailer alone. Add tackle, life jackets and rain gear, you will be looking at an extra $2,000, if you are planning to finance your new boat, figure in interest with your monthly payment and for how many years. Do not forget to weigh in cost of gas and possible repairs for your vehicle and boat. You can tie up an extra $6,000 per year minimum.

The big question to ask yourself, how many times a year will I actually have time to take my boat to the lake to go fishing. When I get there, will I be able to figure out where the fish are going to be on the lake, how deep are they going to be, and what baits will they be biting?  So many people spend the big bucks for their own boat and they only use it 4 to 8 times a year. Before this happens to you, call some fishing guide services to get pricing. Hiring professional fishing guide services can save you thousands a year, and you will have a blast.  So catch more fish on a regular basis using fishing guide services.

Crappie Fishing Anglers are always looking for more information to be the best that you can be at this sport, get all the up to date information at http://www.FishingForCrappie.com on rods & reels, types of baits, colors, types of habitats and seasons to catch these fun sport fish. Find advise for camping and boating to make your next trip an enjoyable one. I am on the lake over 120 days a year and study fish movements, weather along with types of structure and have enjoyed this sport for over 40 years. We are always adding more information on a regular basis, so bookmark us in your favorites.

Is Hiring a Fishing Guide Worth It?

When people are considering a trip to an unfamiliar spot they often wonder if they should pay the extra fee for a fishing guide.

After all, most of these guides are not cheap. Secondly, you wouldn't be going on the trip if you knew nothing about fishing. So what's the point? On the one hand some people are literally great at fishing and understand the movements of fish and how the weather, along with the moon phase, will affect the fish. But some people are not that good. And other people are uncomfortable with the idea of finding fish in a new body of water in a short time. For those cases, hiring a competent guide could be money well spent. However, don't get the mistaken idea that the guide is magical. He can take you to a place where fish should be, but the job of catching the fish is up to you. A guide cannot guarantee you anything. This is not a negative comment against guides, it is just a fact. Fish are wild animals and nobody can predict EXACTLY where they are holding and EXACTLY how to catch them.

The majority of guides are highly experienced anglers. They have spent considerable time on the lake or river that you will be fishing and they are intimately familiar with all of the fishing spots. They pay attention to the weather and seasons and should know the spots that have the highest percentage of holding a fish. You may spend several hours trying to pinpoint a hot spot that a guide could take you to in literally minutes. Before paying for a guide discuss your goals with the person. This lets the guide know what is expected of him and gives him a chance to either take you on as a client or decide that someone else would be better suited to your needs. You should talk about the species of fish you are after, whether you are looking for quantity or quality as well as your preferred method for catching fish. Make sure the person you are hiring has experience with the type of fishing you want to pursue. You may have your heart set on fly fishing with artificial baits and the guide you are considering is an expert at using open faced reels. That is some handy information to know before handing over a sizable amount of cash. The average price for a guide will run between $100 and $200 per day. This does not include the tip. Most guides are going to show you the top spots for catching fish, provide insight on landing those beautiful creatures and you will have a chance to enjoy a great lunch. There are some people who plan on spending 4 or 5 days fishing at some remote location. They plan on hiring the guide for the first 2 days and then use that information on their own for the remainder of their trip. If this is your plan, let your guide know ahead of time. He can likely give you some extra information to make sure that your days without him are just as fun and profitable as the time spent under his guidance. Whether or not to hire a guide is really a personal decision. However if you are planning on visiting an unfamiliar area and your main desire is to catch a trophy fish, you should really consider paying for a good guide.

Tom Fasso is a freelance writer that loves to write about the outdoors. In addition to being an outdoor writer, Tom is a hunter/fisherman with over 30 years of experience. His passions include Salmon River NY fishing and Steelhead Fishing in Upstate New York.

Ideal Fishing Guide

Fishing is definitely one of the best hobbies that you could undertake.

There are many places that you could go fishing in, but Alaska is definitely the best place where you could get to catch the fish that you want. If you are not familiar with the place yet, it is definitely a good idea to take an Alaska fishing guide with you on your fishing trips. There are so many advantages of taking guides with you whenever you go fishing.

If you are coming from out of state, you should really go with the many fishing charters in Alaska. They can provide you with everything that you need to go fishing for a small fee. You would no longer have to carry all of your equipment with you when you go fishing in Alaska. You can just bring the bare essentials like your fishing rods and lines. The fishing charters can provide you with the other accessories like hooks and baits.

You can even get to rent a boat from the various fishing charters so that you can go into deeper waters. Some fishing charter companies let a captain accompany you when you rent a boat, which is definitely better especially if you don't know how to handle the boat.

Aside from that, the fishing charters could also provide you with an Alaska fishing guide who is very knowledgeable with the areas that you would be fishing in. You would also never worry about getting lost since the fishing guides that would accompany you really know about the areas that you are fishing in. If you are still starting out on your fishing hobby, most guides can even offer you how to fish and improve your technique so that you would be able to catch the bigger fish effortlessly.

Another great thing about having an Alaska fishing guide with you is that they are also knowledgeable in the many tourist spots in the area. If you are looking for a break from all the fishing, you can ask your guide to take you to the popular tourist spots. Alaska has many wonderful views to offer. With a guide by your side, you could even get to explore these marvelous views up close.

Fishing charters are probably the best place where you could find competent guides. There are still some other places that you could hire guides from. You can get to hire Alaska fishing guides at the fishing lodges that you would stay in. They are also very knowledgeable in the areas that they would be able to take you.

If you are planning to go fishing in Alaska, you should definitely consider hiring competent Alaska fishing guides. With an able guide by your side, you can go fishing without worrying about getting lost. Having a guide with you also guarantees that you would have more chances of getting the fish that you want. And if you are done with your fishing, you could even ask your guides to take you to the best tourist spots so that you would really enjoy your time in Alaska.

Dan Skordahl is an expert in Alaska Fishing Guide. He turned his passion for fishing into career, he is willing to guide you create memories out of his good experience and knowledge. For more information, check out http://www.sitkacharters.com.

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